- The Bear Tank Creed over at BBB is full of win. Seriously. I think my favorite line was "When in doubt, we shall kill the casters first, for they are squishy and taste good with ketchup."
- The 10's vs 25's listings and "strict" rankings has sparked a lively discussion over at TBJ, and will likely spawn a Blog Azeroth shared topic given the number of bloggers involved :) Beru posted her own stance of the issue of Progress-Ranking sites over at FWaL.
- A very interesting discussion on "What fight do you think was designed well?" by Kyth at StratFu. This was prompted by her previous post pointing out the types of limits imposed on fights that create the game's challenge.
- Keredria at ToL brought up an interesting point about a lack of healing assignments in her 10-man raids that I felt really struck true with my own ten-man experiences. For those that do use healing assignments (ahem, 25's), Upyursh recently asked how others handle them. It brought back some memories on the old 40-man raids when I or my husband used to have to do them... so glad I don't in 10's!
- Critter Killer Monkeys. Enough said. If, when done reading that, your heart is in need of mending (those poor, poor critters!), take a moment to check out Syll's recent encounter with a new druid in STV. Guiding baby druids, yay!
Edit: I also updated a couple macros, including this one, specifically for focus-targeting CC in the ToC faction champions fight.
Cat Shred, Ravage, Mangle toggle with Tiger's Fury (plus Cyclone and Moonfire):
I bound this to my middle mouse button in all forms but bear.
#showtooltip /cast [mod:alt] Tiger's Fury /cast [mod:shift,form:3] Shred; [nostealth,form:3] Mangle (Cat)(); [stealth] Ravage; [mod:shift] Moonfire; [harm] [target=focus,harm] [] Cyclone /startattack [nostealth,harm] |
Cat form:
- If in stealth, it will cast Ravage.
- Otherwise, on a normal click, it will cast Mangle. If you do not know Mangle (Cat)(), replace it with Claw.
- If shift-clicked, it will cast Shred.
- If alt-clicked, it will cast Tiger's Fury in combination with any of the above (stealthed will be Tiger's Fury + Ravage, nostealth would be Tiger's Fury + Shred).
Thanks for the Cbox love! And I was happy to come here and find a community spot light! I love them!
I need to figure out what I'm doing with my life... okay... mostly just my blog. But it was a big part of my life! So since I don't know what I'm doing with that its almost like not knowing what to do with my life, right???
Hopefully your school stuff is settling into a good rhythm :) Whenever you're ready, pick up the pen (keyboard I suppose) and start writing again!
Blogger writer's block ftl! :)
thanks for the mention, sweet Kae =) /hug!
Heh, the healing assignments thing did admittedly take me for a bit of a loop on Tuesday, but I figured if they weren't given, then they weren't needed and to deal with it accordingly.
It's easier now that I've realized that I actually need to heal tanks significantly more than I was used to in 25s (we ran with 2 Holy Paladins most nights, and an occasional Disc Priest).
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