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GridLock Time-Lost Protodrake Level Requirements Turkeys and Hawkstriders Skunk-Bear TK: A'lar U10: Yogg-Saron VoA: Emalon guide ICC: Marrowgar ICC: Gunship Fire = bad ICC: Blood Queen Lana'thel ICC: The Lich King Halion Flowchart VoA: Earth, Wind, Fire
Awesome! :)
This is perfect! Thanks...I love that I'm part of the special elite mental strike force. ;)
Go team SEMSF!
I made the "no insane rogues" sketch my guild forum avatar, lol. Poor Kaeya-rogue-alt. :)
Awesome :D
I love the art - it's like PikeLite! you know Pike, she does all the huntery things over at Aspect of the Hare.
You have to make of that, it's pure win.
I hadn't seen her blog yet; cute doodles :D Mine in this one are mostly just stick figures... OF YOGGILY DOOM! Hehee.
OMG amazing. More please!
On a completely unrelated point, my verification word today is "whorses". Someone should tell Blogger about inapropriate portmanteus.
Haha Kae, this is great. Love the little doodles of all the guildies ^_^
and it totally makes sense!
That is aweseome!
I'm sending my ppl here.
Gobble gobble.
Oh my the illustrations are so cute, makes the whole instructions really interesting to read.
Awesommeeee XD
FYI, Thorim hates Chibis.
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