So I made one. Click to enlarge! :)

With that, I am leaving for a week's vacation. I may or may not post in that time. Laters! :D
Intro to Macros Kae's Keybinds & Peripherals Keybind tips Funny RessesCopy/Paste Macros
Generic Resto Resto/Balance Dual-Spec FeralComics
GridLock Time-Lost Protodrake Level Requirements Turkeys and Hawkstriders Skunk-Bear TK: A'lar U10: Yogg-Saron VoA: Emalon guide ICC: Marrowgar ICC: Gunship Fire = bad ICC: Blood Queen Lana'thel ICC: The Lich King Halion Flowchart VoA: Earth, Wind, Fire
Have fun on your vacation Kae! Great post, you're going out with giggles. :D
OMG, that is funny. Going to post it over at the Guild site.
HO-LY CRAP. That is the best thing I have seen in.... forever...
Hehe, I decided to ignore healing assignments and wipes in favor of not making the chart way too complex. Healing is rarely an easy thing to map out :D
BTW, the "nature's grasp" icon on the "WTF no one's taking damage, use these!" stands for meleeing as a tree ;) Branchy punches, go!
Loved this! I don't heal anymore (well, I toss a couple hots here and there then I'm oom) but that brings back memories!
Mouahaha ! I loved the chart !
And you may find those entertaining...
"Show me where on the doll"
rofl so full of win it spilled over out of my monitor and pooled up around my desk chair!
I found it quite funny though I think you forgot the part where we're supposed to corpse hump the dead bodies of our fallen comrades just before applying Revive :3
annnnnd I'm back!
lynx-chan, I've rarely indulged in such practices myself, and usually leave those antics up to the guys ;) There's nearly always been a bear or two in my raid that has had that honor! I just sit back and laugh :D
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