How to Maximize Your Rewards in Destiny 2 Raids
1 month ago
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GridLock Time-Lost Protodrake Level Requirements Turkeys and Hawkstriders Skunk-Bear TK: A'lar U10: Yogg-Saron VoA: Emalon guide ICC: Marrowgar ICC: Gunship Fire = bad ICC: Blood Queen Lana'thel ICC: The Lich King Halion Flowchart VoA: Earth, Wind, Fire
LOL. so cute.
I never really used Nourish pre4.0, always have been a Regrowth fan (/cry 27 HoT duration)
I love the comic tho, truly epic hehe!
I don't think nourish was ever the big kid on the block, maybe rejuv is sitting up above watching the other spells fight amongst each other :-).
Well, you don't learn to appreciate Nourish until you're asked to heal two tanks through HLK damage simultaneously. Rejuv, Regrowth, LB, and WG combined can't keep up with that. Then in walks Nourish, all pompous and mighty, and lays down the healing law. He had his moment - he just should've been more careful about offending his fellow heals.
This was a fight among the casted heals, anyway ;) Rather than the insta's.
It's already been established that a lot of 25-man raiders just blanketed rejuv/WG, and that's because they were raid healers. Raid healers didn't need to really do much with Nourish.
Tank healers, on the other hand... as Theladas illustrated, there were many occasions of tank healing in 10's :) Nourish on a fully-hotted tank (inc regrowth) was necessary for survival!
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