Phase 1 here
The irony is the stick-figure-warlock could survive if he had a teleport pad up on the edge there. ;)
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Kae, I LOVE your cartoon strats... :) We are working LK in 10-man right now and were in these very phases tonight, so seeing them in cartoon form is even more amusing... :)
28% and counting...
(Hopefully) going to try LK10 for the first time tonight and I'm totally using these to learn :D
Edited in the phase 2-3 transition real quick this AM.
^_^ I try to be thorough with the comic strat, but my biggest tip for phase 2 is to have someone calling the 5 second warnings on Defiles and Valkyr... and another person or two watching as backup in case the first person misses it. Sometimes they coincide horribly, and it's up to RNG whether he does one first, or the other, which sucks. We leave it to the tanks and those players with tank-saving cooldowns to monitor the Soul Reaper timer and call out whether they have a cooldown or need to tank-swap.
Good luck, both of you! Kayeri, I'm striving to get P3 up this week, though real work stuff may interfere. Hoping it won't.
Sorry I had to laugh when you said the OT dances in the transition. Actually i stand by Ram and act as a second tank in case he can't get an add for some reason, though usually he gets them all anyway. So I pretend to be dps usually. :D
Dancing, prot-dps, same thing! ;)
Hey hey hey! My dps is a pretty big deal!
Don't hate!
The comic looks great. Gj last night on PP no doubt you guys will get him soon.
Crying moonkin ftw!
crying boomkin should do more dps on frozen orbs :P
^^ see that? That's my srz bzness face.
Great art-guide as usual Kae!
Ok, saw the LK, got confused as hell, waiting for P3 guide! These are more useful than the 3 page explanation my bf sent to me :D
<3 Beranabus/Burn-a-bus. It was a long night :)
Speaking of moonkin... I've slated myself for making a large selection of stick figure/doodles of all the different druid specs, due to the large numbers of requests. I just want to get P3 of the Lich King out of the way, first :)
Hey Kae, We are doing the dreaded Sindra tomorrow and are going to try and run a stream... Just wanted to invite you and anyone else interested to come watch us fail miserably and offer any tips if you could. Hop on over to and join our forums if you like. Hope you guys got PP. We did him again tonight with a superclean kill.
- Cuantro
Beranabus? More like Banana Bus, amirite?
Cuantro: we have a raid tonight (Wed), but I will look over to your guild's stream when we're on break or if I'm rotated out :) We spent Tuesday just clearing earlier hardmodes to make time for PP this week, so haven't touched him since Sunday.
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