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GridLock Time-Lost Protodrake Level Requirements Turkeys and Hawkstriders Skunk-Bear TK: A'lar U10: Yogg-Saron VoA: Emalon guide ICC: Marrowgar ICC: Gunship Fire = bad ICC: Blood Queen Lana'thel ICC: The Lich King Halion Flowchart VoA: Earth, Wind, Fire
Both healers in WoW happened to be online at the same time?
I've yet to see that happen when queueing as healer/DPS (I assume that is what occurred). Caught a little off-guard?
Hrm... I may just queue up as DPS and see if I get lucky and pull your straw. ROFL
Same thing happened to me on my priest this morning. I always queue as DPS/heals, just in case, but it's NEVER happened before today.
Don't worry, the world isn't coming apart. I've *never* been selected to DPS when queuing as a tank as well.
Very nice! I also love that you are flasked and ready to go for your heroic :).
I'm also pvp flagged. :o
But yeah. I was floored when that happened.
Nice :) I just assumed that never happened so I just never bothered to check the DPS box anymore.
I thought it was the creepy bird thing watching you from your LunarSphere icon :P
It happens on occasion. I've seen it twice now, but it's still very rare.
Ram: creepy bird thing is a griffon face cut from a bit of art I did a couple years back :p My LS art changes on load and when I click on the sphere itself, so I have a lot of different stuff appear in it.
It happened to me once. Of course I was already in a party with someone who had selected only heals.
Having it happen for real should be an achievement.
Someone else probably choose only heals. Probably an alt with crap-tastic offspec gear like my druid alt.
Don;t be so surprised, anyone who joins queue with my druid with both specs always gets damage because I only queue heals. ITS TRUE!
I am probably the cause of some of you peoples shock and awe!
My guildies are ridiculously heroics-happy, so I've never queued without at least 2 other guild mates in the group, often more than one capable of healing. This lets us play Healer Roulette and let the dungeon finder decide who's healing! (Well, until we step in and say, "my shadow gear isn't regemmed yet" or "you're already in tree form" and override its decision.) I can't really explain why I'm so very entertained by Healer Roulette, but I'm actually sad on the occasions when we're pugging some slots and I have to queue heals-only (because it's silly to risk getting a bad healer when you have raiding healers available in the group).
"Healer Roulette" sounds almost like Vortex raids when all three of us are there, hehe.
Although, it's probably a good thing when your healers aren't all rushing to *not* heal given the opportunity.
"So, who wants to dps tonight?" "I dunno." "You do it." "But x is already in dps spec." "Eh, roll for it." "Is that like rolling for blame?" "Which of us provides the best buff in dps spec for the raid?" "Totems, LotP, or misery..."
Re: Akil'zon... FEED, ME BRUDDAHS!
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