How to Maximize Your Rewards in Destiny 2 Raids
4 weeks ago
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GridLock Time-Lost Protodrake Level Requirements Turkeys and Hawkstriders Skunk-Bear TK: A'lar U10: Yogg-Saron VoA: Emalon guide ICC: Marrowgar ICC: Gunship Fire = bad ICC: Blood Queen Lana'thel ICC: The Lich King Halion Flowchart VoA: Earth, Wind, Fire
lol Kae! Cookie Monster reference ftw!!!
No Kae! Use your stick figures for good, not evil!
Sesame Tree is pretty win.
Blizzard is a cookie monster :( They better not find the stash of Thin Mints in my freezer.
Hahahah. Yes. So much win. Maybe I'm just biased because I watch cookie monster's antics every morning with Twig. Did you know this season he tried to plant a cookie tree?
:o Cookies grow on trees? TAKE THAT, MAGES! Mana Cookies > Mana biscuits.
Way cute! Look at that poor tree. She looks somewhat sad somewhat confused.
I'd like to see an outbreak of violence from the tree should there ever be a second panel. ;D
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