I'm questioning what I did wrong. I'm dreading what is next.
Saturday. We had two friends come to spend a short vacation with us, including one who was to teach a self-defense class. Not halfway through the class, he broke his foot on the mat (audible snap)... and we spent the next 3 hours in the Emergency Room waiting it out to be x-rayed and wrapped. Fortunately, the rest of that day went by without mishap, though I did play Designated Driver for the Halloween party that lasted until 3am.
Sunday. I awake with a really bad case of the sniffles. I try 3-4 different kinds of medicine, antihistimines, etc to no avail. My nose was raw by the end of the day, and I have a nice gash across my chest where one of my cats--terrified still by the strangers in the house--freaked out and scratched me. Some good came of this day, however, as one of our guests made a fabulous dinner and Vortex managed to finally down Anub Heroic, after we altered our strategy and used bloodlust during P1.
Monday. I went to work, and ended the day with a mountain of tissues on my desk. My husband starts the sniffles, too. We went out for sushi with our guests, and that was good, and attended the martial art group's sparring practice to let our guests hang out with them some more--one cursing his broken foot that he couldn't participate--then went home to play Rockband. About 6 songs in, the TV mysteriously turns itself off and refuses to come back on, even though the other things (PS3, DVR, audio) on the socket are still working fine. We end the night with Star Wars Trivial Pursuit, though.
Tuesday. I awake around 5am and realize that if I don't force myself back to sleep immediately, I'm going to be revisiting the sushi. My husband is feeling the same way. Around 8am, I let my work know I need to have the day off, and fall back into a troubled sleep until around 1pm, when our guests need to get on the road and head home--a day early, but they have an interesting trip ahead given the driver has a broken foot and needs to see an orthopedic surgeon. We see them off, laughing about the ill fortune over their mini-vacation, standing in the drive way in our pajamas as they get the final load of their luggage into the car and drive off. My husband and I stumble back to the house to collapse back in bed... to find the door shut and locked. We were locked out of our house, sick, in pajamas, on a brisk November day. /sigh. 30 minutes and a locksmith bill later, and I'm curled up before my computer in a blanket, sipping tea, shivering off the chill, waiting to hear from the Geek Squad about the dead TV replacement, and wondering just what else could be heading our way?
Hopefully no one else is having quite the run of odd bad luck I seem to be! The only consolation I have is that the bad luck has--seemingly--remained here, rather than followed our friends down the road on their long drive home!
How to Maximize Your Rewards in Destiny 2 Raids
1 month ago
Just found your blog from WoW.com! I have an 80 mage, and just recently (yesterday) started a Druid. I've been reading up on them for about a month and planning. I was going to wait for Catacslym, but I got impatient and started last night. Very fun stuff!
That sounds about like the week I had last week! <3 I hope it gets better. Tip: Don't do what I did, walking around saying 'It can't get any worse.' because it always can. :P
Welcome to the druid world, Nevis :) I hope you enjoy your druid!
Aert-yep, I'm half worried that if I go to the raid tonight, I'm going to doom us to failure! Talk about paranoia. Hopefully your week has gotten better?
Just got finished paying a speeding ticket that I got for not actually speeding, in a zone that had I been doing the alleged speed, would not have been violating the posted speed anyways (Paid it so I wouldn't have to deal with it) only to receive a ticket for changing lanes without using a turn signal, when clearly, I and my two passengers SAW and HEARD me using the turn signal. Spent the day in court only to get to go back.
1/3 of my town has Swine Flu, aka H1N1, aka the "Don't be afraid of pork belly products, that's why we changed the name" flu, and I work in food service...
My Husky decided it needed to eat the cat's Catnip Mouse... WHOLE...
And then choke it back up later that night...
and ate the cord on the steam cleaner while it was plugged in...
...and ate no less than 3 foreign objects on the last trip outside...
Burned myself no less than 3 times yesterday at work.
Both I and the missus are fighting the flu.
Replaced two tires on my car, only to have a third one go bad the same day.
Found 5 dead birds laying next to our grocery store. I think there's something in the air.
I think it is a druid thing.
Well, we have had quite the run of bad luck, too, maybe it is a druid thing. But there has been good things among the bad, and I try to remember that.
The bad is sudden, unexpected unemployment, freaked-out cable box, furnace not coming on, garage door opener refusing to work, and dad-in-law had to have emergency quintuple bypass, thus cancelling their planned 50th anniversary trip with the entire family.
The good things are that furnace was really okay, cable box is better now after a visit from a technician, my parents next door neighbor runs an overhead door company and is helping us, and dad-in-law's condition was discovered BEFORE he had a heart attack and he is doing awesome.
So while there is bad, there is also good, you just have to keep your eyes open for it. I hope things upturn for you soon! Here, I hope that unemployment part changes real soon...
... How is it possible that you had almost the exact same weekend as the writer of a certain Shadow Priest blog?! <3
Kayeri -- indeed, unemployment tends to compound things a whole lot more than otherwise!
I know things could be worse, which is why my husband and I were laughing about it rather than bemoaning the end of the world (just before getting locked out of the house). After all, as long as the main aspects of keeping alive are met: shelter, food/water, and no looming mortal medical threat, anyone can get by!
I wouldn't be surprised if 90% or more of the US has been afflicted by the flu at least once over the past few months, though. Ughhh.
oh wow! 4 days straight not good >.<, hopefully its all better now.
Sorry to hear about all the trouble Kae =(
I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Oh...and grats on Anub!!!
Wow thats such a streak of bad luck XD At least you can probably look back on it and say "Wow, that was an eventful weekend". Hopefully things are going better for you guys now!
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