It's been a nice vacation. Lots of snow: something my area hasn't seen much of for many years. Lots of staying up late and sleeping til 2pm, reading books, visiting friends, watching Dr. Who with Kitarha, listening to the Glee and Avatar soundtracks, seeing Avatar itself (twice), and, of course, running heroics and raids. Keeping myself busy.
I had meant to take some time this past week to revisit the MBTI survey from August, but I never got around to it :( It's still on my to-do list.
Of course, the big WoW news on the raiding front is that the next wing of ICC is finally being released. My guild has been fumbling for ways to fill our time on raid nights (12 hours a week), because Ulduar and even ToC barely hold our interest anymore: 3 new bosses should help fill that void a bit more.
Going to hit a toc 25 pug tonight for giggles and gold, being organized by one of the top guilds on the server. Supposedly all loot must be bid for with gold, and the pot is then split among everyone who didn't get any loot at the end of the run (edit: correction, split among the whole raid regardless of loot). Sounds like fun, though need to remember to turn down my graphics before stepping in there. My Windows 7 upgrade has been put on hiatus due to a mix of landlord (router's in the basement and he won't let us run a cord up) and a sucky wireless network card that doesn't have drivers for windows 7. /rant.
I haven't updated to the new version of Grid yet, since someone had mentioned it had wiped all of their settings when they did. Did anyone else have settings troubles with the recent update to Grid?
How to Maximize Your Rewards in Destiny 2 Raids
1 month ago
I've been hearing bad things about the new grid. Wiping settings, lagging in healing intensive fights, etc.
I heard about the issues after I upgraded to the new version. So far I've just done heroics (holidays ate our raids) so I don't know if there are any performance issues from a raiding standpoint, but all my settings seem to have been saved since I'm seeing the normal stuff that I should see when I'm in heroics.
Happy New Year Kae! about grid issue on my part I have no problems with it, and I keep it update. so far no errors for me. probably I was still using the old version? but looking at my curse client all my addons are up to date. I have no lagg or latency problems yet. I guess lucky me but if I will have issues Ill let you know why, right now its doing fine.
I updated to the new Grid, and the only problem I had was caused by a plugin module: GridQuickHealth no longer works.
If you have it enabled, it will constantly freeze your computer every few seconds, basically making the game unplayable.
Once I disabled that, not a single problem.
Hmm, might wait until after tomorrow's raid and go for the update, and see how it goes. I don't use the quickhealth module, so maybe everything will go okay.
The game itself has been lagging in any sort of intensive fight for a lot of people. Not sure if it's internet useage skyrocketing as people are home for the holidays, or the patch, but I don't think it's just Grid causing lag.
What you're talking about is GDKP, and EJ has a post about it here:
My guild tends to run these every couple weeks, everyone usually goes home happy :D
Total nitpick, but my understanding of GDKP is that the gold is split among all members regardless of whether they won loot or not. Otherwise, it'd completely deter people from bidding on the smaller items and aim only for the big ticket items.
Thanks for the head's up on Grid though. I tend to take a "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude towards addons, but I'll make sure to stay away from Grid in the meantime.
Yeah, I had misunderstood the description. They did pass gold out to everyone at the end. Had never run anything like it before... lots of people there with alts and deep pockets. And low low low dps. Made me sad.
Welcome back Kae! What did you think of Dr. Who and Avatar?
Sad about loosing the David Tennant Doctor, but was a good ending. Avatar I loved, though prefer the 2D version... the 3D forces you to focus on what they WANT you to focus on, or else you hurt your eyes. :( With all the shiny graphics and beautiful backgrounds, I had major eye strain at the end of the 3D version from trying to focus on things that were "out of focus".
You must add a hotfix in Grid_QuickHealth
-> comment lines containing "Gridstatusheals"
In regards to Grid I would actually recomend you to wipe your settings when updating. Several times when new patches arrive I've noticed that if I "just" update Grid it'll go bonkers. The only way to be sure is to take of and nuke from orbit (ie, delete all grid stuff in WTF and then recreate your settings)
Heh, that is unlikely, I spent far too much time customizing Grid (since it's made to be customized) to want to wipe settings and re-do everything, when it works fine as it is. I don't like Grid's default settings, especially when it comes to HoTs that are mine vs someone else's, and color choices. I've got it just how I like it, now :)
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