Friday, December 16, 2011


sketch of a resto druid tree casting a spell


Kay said...

I still miss my perma-tree :(

Rades said...

Have you ever drawn the new tree? I'm curious what the Kae-version would look like.

Kae said...

The closest I've come is:

Beranabus said...

Do you use the glyph of tree form Kae? I mean......... IT'S THE ONLY REAL WAY TO PLAY ORIGINAL DROOD 4 LYFEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Muj said...

Yay for green splashy tree

Kae said...

No, I don't use the glyph. The new tree looks less withered... must be the shaman around me casting riptide and healing rain all the time.

Muj said...

I do like to keep the plants within the guild nicely watered

Judy Romero said...

Greeat read thanks

Kelly said...

Nice blogg