Tuesday, September 21, 2010

OT: Your Puppy Fix

Apparently some of you cannot get by a week without a puppy fix. :)

River discovered the hose this weekend. After playing joyously in the water stream, she promptly found a dirt pile to roll in.

Go figure. :) It took more hosing and much toweling to finally have a clean puppy again.


Simon said...

if you keep this up i'll have to go and get us another dog... (don't know what the current one might think of that, she's does like to have the attention all to herself)

Josh said...

You're killing me here!

I've always wanted an Alaskan Malamute. The climate in Australia is quite off-putting, but I've heard that as long as you pay attention to the needs of your dog, they'll be fine!

All we need now is a house :/

Rebecca said...

Awwwww, so adorable! I'm gonna have to go back and coo and aww over other puppy pictures now...

Kayeri said...

::happy sigh at the cuteness::

Zy said...

Thank goodness, I was going thru withdrawl.

Kae said...

Some of her siblings went to Louisiana. As long as you have Air Conditioning and a cool floor for her to lie on, a Malamute'll be happy in (nearly) any climate ;)

River's favorite place is to climb up off the carpet and onto the cool stones of our hearth.