Friday, June 4, 2010

Kae's IceHUD

Updated: 2/2/2011

IceHUD is a head's-up-display addon. What this means is that it puts bars around your character in the middle of your screen, enabling you to see at a quick glance the status of things such as threat, health, mana, and even the duration of certain buffs you specify.

(mangle icon is from Debuff Filter)

I've tested a few HUDs, but none have really compared to the customization and long-term stability of IceHUD.

I use it for: (in order of priority)
  • My Mana (DruidMana)/Rage/Energy
  • Lacerate, Maelstrom, and Combo Point stacks
  • Threat on target
  • Slice 'n Dice and Savage Roar durations
  • Range to target
  • CC durations on my target or focus-target
  • My GCD
  • My target's health
  • My health
  • Fatigue or swim-breath timers
  • My pet/vehicle health
It can do more, in terms of player (inc DK runes), pet, focus, and target (including cast bars and buffs), but those above are what I specifically use IceHUD for.

The default package can be seen in the screenshot below:

What I enjoy most about IceHUD is that I'm able to customize each bar to fit these priorities, sizing and placing them in different locations depending on my own preference. It's taken a good year of tweaking (and IceHUD's own updates) for the mod to reach my current level of preference, and my recent UI loss forced me to redo it all from scratch... which reminded me that I'd never actually posted specifically about IceHUD before. So here I am :)

In addition to the options that ship with the default addon, you can add your own custom bars, counters (ie maelstrom weapon), and cooldowns for the mod to provide monitors for. That is how I added Savage Roar for my feral kitty.

My LUA Settings:
Unfortunately, the makers of IceHUD haven't provided a handy-dandy export/import string like with Power Auras, so I'll have to give you the straight LUA if you want to copy my settings.

This text goes in your WTF/Account/[AccountName]/SavedVariables/IceHUD.lua file, NOT in your addons folder!

I have copied the entirety of my IceHUD.lua from the savedvariables file here; for reference, the "Default" profile is my edited version, and the "Kae" profile is my backup of the raw default settings. I know, confusing, but it made it easier to propagate my favored settings across all of my characters :)

EDIT: updating for 02/02/2011

IceCoreDB = {
["profileKeys"] = {
["namespaces"] = {
["LibDualSpec-1.0"] = {
["account"] = {
["barHeight"] = 133,
["settingsMoved"] = true,
["barSpace"] = -8,
["modules"] = {
["TargetInfo"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["fontSize"] = 15,
["mouseTarget"] = false,
["filter"] = "Always",
["scale"] = 0.9000000000000001,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["stackFontSize"] = 12,
["mouseBuff"] = false,
["TargetCast"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["PetHealth"] = {
["offset"] = 1,
["barVerticalOffset"] = -1,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 135,
["scale"] = 1,
["textVisible"] = {
["lower"] = false,
["lockUpperTextAlpha"] = false,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = -50,
["PlayerHealth"] = {
["offset"] = 2,
["shouldAnimate"] = false,
["side"] = "RIGHT",
["textVisible"] = {
["lower"] = false,
["showLootMasterIcon"] = false,
["barFontSize"] = 11,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 4,
["statusIconOffset"] = {
["x"] = 22,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["PvPIconOffset"] = {
["y"] = -20,
["x"] = 32,
["showLeaderIcon"] = false,
["TargetMana"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["DruidMana"] = {
["lockTextAlpha"] = false,
["side"] = "LEFT",
["textVerticalOffset"] = 14,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["textVisible"] = {
["upper"] = false,
["lower"] = true,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = -29,
["CastBar"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["TargetOfTarget"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["LacerateCount"] = {
["vpos"] = 20,
["gradient"] = true,
["lacerateMode"] = "Graphical Bar",
["lacerateFontSize"] = 17,
["PetMana"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["Threat"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["TargetHealth"] = {
["offset"] = -1,
["raidIconXOffset"] = 5,
["side"] = "RIGHT",
["raidIconYOffset"] = -22,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = 11,
["textVisible"] = {
["lower"] = false,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 71,
["barFontSize"] = 10,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["scaleHealthColor"] = false,
["lockTextAlpha"] = false,
["ComboPoints"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["gradient"] = true,
["comboMode"] = "Graphical Bar",
["hpos"] = 10,
["PlayerMana"] = {
["lockTextAlpha"] = false,
["shouldAnimate"] = false,
["lockUpperTextAlpha"] = false,
["widthModifier"] = -1,
["barFontSize"] = 20,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 154,
["tickerAlpha"] = 0.4,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["textVisible"] = {
["lower"] = false,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = 50,
["barProportion"] = 0.13,
["fontFamily"] = "Skurri",
["barWidth"] = 142,
["colors"] = {
["ScaledManaColor"] = {
["ScaledHealthColor"] = {
["verticalPos"] = -80,
["global"] = {
["lastRunVersion"] = 826,
["profiles"] = {
["Default"] = {
["barHeight"] = 174,
["modules"] = {
["TargetCast"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 54,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["barVerticalOffset"] = -1,
["widthModifier"] = 1,
["offset"] = -2,
["PetHealth"] = {
["lockUpperTextAlpha"] = false,
["offset"] = 3,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 79,
["barTextureOverride"] = "GlowArc",
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["barVerticalOffset"] = -1,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["side"] = "RIGHT",
["textVisible"] = {
["lower"] = false,
["upper"] = false,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = -108,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["scale"] = 1,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["PlayerHealth"] = {
["shouldAnimate"] = false,
["lootMasterIconOffset"] = {
["y"] = -156,
["x"] = 54,
["offset"] = 0,
["barTextureOverride"] = "GlowArc",
["showLootMasterIcon"] = false,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 4,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["PvPIconOffset"] = {
["y"] = 16,
["x"] = 37,
["showLeaderIcon"] = false,
["side"] = "RIGHT",
["leaderIconOffset"] = {
["x"] = 0,
["textVisible"] = {
["upper"] = false,
["lower"] = false,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["PartyRoleIconOffset"] = {
["y"] = 2,
["x"] = 57,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["barFontSize"] = 10,
["statusIconOffset"] = {
["y"] = 18,
["x"] = 16,
["ComboPointsBar"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["ComboPoints"] = {
["comboMode"] = "Graphical Bar",
["vpos"] = 160,
["hpos"] = 210,
["gradient"] = true,
["Maelstroms"] = {
["countFontSize"] = 20,
["scale"] = 1,
["maxCount"] = 5,
["onlyMine"] = true,
["hpos"] = 0,
["countGap"] = 6,
["enabled"] = true,
["auraTarget"] = "player",
["countColor"] = {
["a"] = 1,
["b"] = 0,
["g"] = 0,
["r"] = 1,
["usesDogTagStrings"] = false,
["auraType"] = "buff",
["vpos"] = 200,
["countMode"] = "Graphical Bar",
["countMinColor"] = {
["a"] = 1,
["b"] = 0,
["g"] = 1,
["r"] = 1,
["auraName"] = "Maelstrom Weapon",
["graphicalLayout"] = "Horizontal",
["gradient"] = true,
["alwaysFullAlpha"] = true,
["customBarType"] = "Counter",
["SliceAndDice"] = {
["offset"] = 1,
["side"] = "LEFT",
["textHorizontalOffset"] = 11,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["enabled"] = true,
["textVerticalOffset"] = -8,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["barTextureOverride"] = "GlowArc",
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["textVisible"] = {
["lower"] = false,
["DruidMana"] = {
["offset"] = 14,
["lowerText"] = "[FractionalDruidMP:Color('3071bf')]",
["textVerticalOffset"] = 14,
["barTextureOverride"] = "GlowArc",
["lockTextAlpha"] = false,
["side"] = "LEFT",
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = -29,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["enabled"] = false,
["textVisible"] = {
["upper"] = false,
["TargetCC"] = {
["enabled"] = true,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["forceJustifyText"] = "RIGHT",
["textVerticalOffset"] = 0,
["barTextureOverride"] = "RivetBar",
["offset"] = 15,
["barVerticalOffset"] = 138,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = -8,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["scale"] = 1.15,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["TargetInfo"] = {
["fontSize"] = 11,
["scale"] = 0.9000000000000001,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["enabled"] = false,
["mouseTarget"] = false,
["mouseBuff"] = false,
["vpos"] = -30,
["filter"] = "Always",
["stackFontSize"] = 12,
["alwaysFullAlpha"] = false,
["ownBuffSize"] = 26,
["Lacerates"] = {
["countFontSize"] = 17,
["scale"] = 1,
["maxCount"] = 3,
["onlyMine"] = true,
["hpos"] = 210,
["countGap"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
["auraTarget"] = "target",
["countColor"] = {
["a"] = 1,
["b"] = 0,
["g"] = 0,
["r"] = 1,
["usesDogTagStrings"] = false,
["auraType"] = "debuff",
["vpos"] = 160,
["countMode"] = "Graphical Bar",
["countMinColor"] = {
["a"] = 1,
["b"] = 0,
["g"] = 1,
["r"] = 1,
["auraName"] = "Lacerate",
["graphicalLayout"] = "Horizontal",
["gradient"] = true,
["alwaysFullAlpha"] = true,
["customBarType"] = "Counter",
["RangeCheck"] = {
["vpos"] = -30,
["hpos"] = 100,
["scale"] = 0.8,
["rangeString"] = "[HostileColor Range] yds",
["enabled"] = true,
["CastBar"] = {
["offset"] = 2,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 150,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = 34,
["enabled"] = false,
["TargetOfTarget"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["TargetHealth"] = {
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["raidIconXOffset"] = 112,
["raidIconYOffset"] = -10,
["showClassificationIcon"] = true,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["classIconScale"] = 0.6000000000000001,
["classIconOffset"] = {
["y"] = -153,
["x"] = 108,
["upperText"] = "[PercentHP:Round]%",
["textVerticalOffset"] = 0,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["PvPIconOffset"] = {
["x"] = 117,
["lockTextAlpha"] = false,
["barTextureOverride"] = "GlowArc",
["textHorizontalOffset"] = -8,
["npcHostilityColor"] = true,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["classColor"] = true,
["textVisible"] = {
["lower"] = false,
["barFontSize"] = 10,
["scaleHealthColor"] = false,
["TargetMana"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["PlayerCC"] = {
["offset"] = 14,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["barVerticalOffset"] = 132,
["barTextureOverride"] = "RivetBar",
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["enabled"] = true,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["Runes"] = {
["scale"] = 1.4,
["alwaysFullAlpha"] = true,
["vpos"] = -10,
["Threat"] = {
["shouldAnimate"] = false,
["onlyShowInGroups"] = false,
["offset"] = 3,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["lowThresholdFlash"] = false,
["textVerticalOffset"] = 87,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["barTextureOverride"] = "Bar",
["textHorizontalOffset"] = -49,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["showScaledThreat"] = true,
["enabled"] = true,
["widthModifier"] = 38,
["PetMana"] = {
["enabled"] = false,
["EclipseBar"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["FocusCC"] = {
["offset"] = 15,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["forceJustifyText"] = "LEFT",
["textVerticalOffset"] = 12,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["enabled"] = true,
["barVerticalOffset"] = 138,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = 6,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["scale"] = 1.15,
["barTextureOverride"] = "RivetBar",
["GlobalCoolDown"] = {
["desiredLerpTime"] = 1.316,
["enabled"] = true,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["barTextureOverride"] = "Bar",
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["widthModifier"] = 38,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["HungerForBlood"] = {
["offset"] = 3,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["side"] = "LEFT",
["textVisible"] = {
["upper"] = false,
["Savage Roar"] = {
["shouldAnimate"] = false,
["lockUpperTextAlpha"] = true,
["lockLowerTextAlpha"] = false,
["lockLowerFontAlpha"] = false,
["auraIconYOffset"] = 0,
["hideAnimationSettings"] = true,
["desiredLerpTime"] = 0,
["offset"] = 1,
["usesDogTagStrings"] = false,
["scaleManaColor"] = true,
["barColor"] = {
["a"] = 1,
["b"] = 0.203921568627451,
["g"] = 0.5725490196078431,
["r"] = 1,
["auraIconXOffset"] = 40,
["maxDuration"] = 0,
["myUnit"] = "player",
["reverse"] = false,
["lowerTextColor"] = {
["b"] = 1,
["g"] = 1,
["r"] = 1,
["customBarType"] = "Bar",
["upperText"] = "",
["upperTextColor"] = {
["b"] = 1,
["g"] = 1,
["r"] = 1,
["lowerText"] = "",
["trackOnlyMine"] = true,
["forceJustifyText"] = "NONE",
["scaleHealthColor"] = true,
["displayAuraIcon"] = false,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["lowThresholdFlash"] = true,
["lowerTextVisible"] = false,
["buffOrDebuff"] = "buff",
["textVerticalOffset"] = -8,
["buffTimerDisplay"] = "seconds",
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["widthModifier"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
["barVerticalOffset"] = 0,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = 11,
["side"] = "LEFT",
["lowThreshold"] = 0,
["shouldUseOverride"] = false,
["textVisible"] = {
["lower"] = true,
["upper"] = true,
["buffToTrack"] = "Savage Roar",
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["auraIconScale"] = 1,
["barVisible"] = {
["bg"] = true,
["bar"] = true,
["inverse"] = "NORMAL",
["lowThresholdColor"] = false,
["scale"] = 1,
["barFontSize"] = 12,
["alwaysFullAlpha"] = false,
["displayWhenEmpty"] = false,
["PlayerMana"] = {
["shouldAnimate"] = false,
["lockUpperTextAlpha"] = false,
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["upperText"] = "[PercentMP:Round]%",
["forceJustifyText"] = "LEFT",
["textVerticalOffset"] = 189,
["textHorizontalOffset"] = 47,
["barTextureOverride"] = "Bar",
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["lockTextAlpha"] = false,
["widthModifier"] = 44,
["textVisible"] = {
["upper"] = false,
["updatedInverseExpand"] = true,
["tickerAlpha"] = 0.4,
["barFontSize"] = 14,
["shouldUseOverride"] = true,
["PlayerInvuln"] = {
["updatedReverseInverse"] = true,
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["Sunders"] = {
["countFontSize"] = 20,
["scale"] = 1,
["maxCount"] = 3,
["onlyMine"] = true,
["hpos"] = 0,
["countGap"] = 0,
["enabled"] = true,
["auraTarget"] = "target",
["countColor"] = {
["a"] = 1,
["r"] = 1,
["g"] = 0,
["b"] = 0,
["usesDogTagStrings"] = false,
["auraType"] = "debuff",
["vpos"] = 0,
["alwaysFullAlpha"] = true,
["countMinColor"] = {
["a"] = 1,
["r"] = 1,
["g"] = 1,
["b"] = 0,
["auraName"] = "Sunder Armor",
["graphicalLayout"] = "Horizontal",
["gradient"] = false,
["countMode"] = "Numeric",
["customBarType"] = "Counter",
["fontFamily"] = "Friz Quadrata TT",
["detachedTooltip"] = {
["barSpace"] = -10,
["showText"] = false,
["verticalPos"] = -80,
["minimap"] = {
["hide"] = true,
["showIcon"] = true,
["updatedOocNotFull"] = true,
["colors"] = {
["ThreatDanger"] = {
["b"] = 0.5607843137254902,
["ScaledManaColor"] = {
["r"] = 1,
["undef"] = {
["b"] = 0.6980392156862745,
["g"] = 0.6980392156862745,
["r"] = 0.6980392156862745,
["ThreatHigh"] = {
["b"] = 0.7686274509803921,
["TargetHealthHostile"] = {
["g"] = 0,
["b"] = 0.09803921568627451,
["ScaledHealthColor"] = {
["g"] = 0,
["r"] = 1,
["ThreatPullAggro"] = {
["b"] = 0.6549019607843137,
["Kae"] = {
["modules"] = {
["TargetInfo"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["TargetCast"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["PetHealth"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["PlayerHealth"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["DruidMana"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["CastBar"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["TargetMana"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["TargetHealth"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["PetMana"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["PlayerMana"] = {
["myTagVersion"] = 3,
["detachedTooltip"] = {

So, yeah, copy-paste that over your WTF/Account/Name/SavedVariables/IceHUD.lua and you'll have my settings :)

To edit things further to your own liking, type /icehud in-game to bring up the menu, and you can click on the configuration mode to preview while you make changes:

Just remember that if you don't want all of your bars to be the same shape, you'll want to edit the bars' styles manually within each of the Module Settings, rather than in the master IceHUD Bar Settings. :)



  1. Thank you, this looks very nice!
    I'm going to try this one for sure.

  2. hey how do u actualy put that info into the lua file?:S

  3. "This text goes in your WTF/Account/[AccountName]/SavedVariables/IceHUD.lua file... NOT in your addons folder. "

    You can open a mod's lua files with special programs like LUAedit, or just open them in notepad. Copy-paste the text and replace what is in the file with the new text, or just edit what parts you want to change.

    BUT... I haven't updated it since the time this was posted, and I know the mod has been updated since then. I will update the post to reflect the current incarnation of the mod tonight, so nothing gets broken.

    As a general future disclaimer, always back up your mods before editing your lua files, as if you don't know what you're doing, you could easily break the mod and have to re-install it from a fresh download!

  4. Updated the text to copy into the savedvariables folder :)


To aid in sorting between different "Anonymous" people, please give yourself some sort of identifying name, or log in. I like to be able to tell you all apart :D

Note: I will delete comments that are purely ads.