Saturday, June 5, 2010

Another Quiz, this time On-topic

The Alt-Raid (Rant) Quiz

For the following quiz, assume the following scenario: you are looking to raid ICC10 on your alt. Multiple Choice; partial credit allowed for some questions. 20 points per question.

1. If you were to form your own alt raid, how would you do it?
  • a) Post to your guild/realm forums a few days in advance, selecting players first from your guild and extended friends' list, then carefully screening puggers to fill in necessary roles/buffs *if* you don't feel comfortable "carrying" them.
  • b) Impromptu raid formation, selecting players first from your guild and extended friends' list, then carefully screening puggers to fill in necessary roles/buffs *if* you don't feel comfortable "carrying" them.
  • c) Impromptu raid formation, selecting players first from your guild and friends list, then posting in LFG/trade chat to pick up any pugger who happens to say they might fill that role.
  • d) Impromptu raid formation, if your guildies notice it going over trade chat, then they might come, too.
  • e) Trade chat, and advertise gearscore limits.
  • f) e, but with spamming! Also, don't invite (or inspect and then kick) anyone that might take the loot you want.

2. If you were looking to just join an alt raid, how would you do it?
  • a) Join in a pre-planned guild alt night.
  • b) Gather some guildies with alts that might like to go, and see if any would like to lead one.
  • c) Gather some guildies with alts that might like to go, and merge your raid with one being advertised in LFG-chat.
  • d) Watch trade chat and the LFG chat to find someone advertising their raid group with slots open for the role you are interested in.
  • e) Join the LFD tool, then give up after seeing no one else is using it and posting something along the lines of "[class] LFG [raidinstance], pst" in LFG and trade chat channels. Eventually, someone will post a "LFM" that you'll respond to and ask for an invite for, because they never saw your "LFG" post.
  • f) Spam trade chat every 5-10 seconds with an annoying macro that is sure to win you a trip to the server's ignore lists.

3. You discover another player in the raid plays the same class Main as you do. Do you:
  • a) Say nothing. If they know you're an alt, they might try to guilt-trip you into passing on loot.
  • b) Grin and point out your shared class, and then move on. Perhaps now the others in the raid will better respect your opinions regarding strats for that role, if they know your main.
  • c) Discuss Cataclysm changes for your shared class during trash pulls.
  • d) Try to impress the other player with your main's gearscore.
  • e) Try to impress the other player with your "knowledge" of the class, most of which is completely inaccurate.
  • f) Both d and e, finishing by either going emo or saying the other player "fails."

4. You aren't familiar with the strategy for a boss, from your alt's role. Do you:
  • a) Ask for details/suggestions on how to handle the fight in your alt's role before engaging the boss.
  • b) Mentally review what you've seen others do during the fight in that role, asking for specific advice on a mechanic you remember but want clearer details on.
  • c) Keep quiet and hope for the best; be extra watchful for mid-combat instructions.
  • d) Shrug and dive in; you know you'll pick it up in a few wipes.
  • e) Feign knowledge and tell everyone else what to do, as far as you remember, hoping your apparent "knowledge" won't lead them to question you when you fail to dps the right target (or similar role-fail).
  • f) Feign knowledge and tell everyone else what to do incorrectly, arguing against any corrections the other players make.

5. This is an end-expansion content instance. Do you:
  • a) Research your alt's class and spend time gearing the character and learning how to play it, including proper rotations, spell use, mechanics, stat caps, gems/enchants, and macros?
  • b) Do your best to gem/enchant every piece of your gear, even if it isn't "BiS," and spend some time learning how to play it, though your badges may go to your main's saronite purchases and you know you're not as good as a main?
  • c) Get dragged along by friends (or strangers desperate to fill a raid slot) even though you feel under-geared and inexperienced?
  • d) Put on higher iLevel gear to hope to slip under the radar, even though it is not as good as the set-bonuses of your lower gear or just plain not as good as other equipment you have... such as resilience gear or subpar trinkets for your class.
  • e) You're a "Casual" with a capital C. Your gear is haphazard, little to none of it is enchanted or gemmed, and you aren't even aware of certain spells that your class has and is expected to use in a raid environment... like cleanses.
  • f) You're a "Casual" with a capital K... special. In addition to e, you're broke, and spend half the raid begging for gold for repairs and/or reagent purchases. You also jump on every equippable piece of gear that drops, moping to the raid about how much you want the item and how sad you are when it goes to someone else.

Extra Credit: 10pts
[ True / False ] You elicit this reaction from your fellow raiders:



  1. Awesome!

    I think I win (maybe loose?) this quiz as I organize and lead an alt raid.


    caps for funsies!

  3. Hehee, Attack ;) Though I do miss your Thursday alt-raids!


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