Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ulduar10: Ignis, Razorscale

My guild initially skipped these two, wanting to instead put our time into the harder bosses. Then a competitive streak filtered in, and we realized that we'd be tied for top 10-man progression on our server if we stopped by and kicked these two over on our warpath through the instance. They're both dead now.

As a side note, the T8 shoulders look pretty cool up-close (even have little pawprint shapes on them, and swirly twigs and moons and stuff!), but when zoomed out they look like you've just got pompoms on your shoulders.

Ignis the Furnace-Master: "Insolent whelps!"
Big guy with a molten codpiece. Usually, a fight like this would be rather frightening for a plant with all the fire and such, but it's probably a place where we shine the most: lots of aoe damage and snap-heals. The strat we used was to cluster the ranged/casters in the center of the room between the two water pools, and have the MT kite-tank the boss in circles around us, always keeping the boss facing away. The OT ran around picking up adds as best he could (a good resto druid is SUCH an aggro magnet) and running them through the fire and water, calling dps as needed to shatter them.
  • Keep full stacks of LB on both tanks, if necessary (given strengths of cohealers, etc), once things really get rolling with the adds. It'll eat up your mana, but if your dps is good enough, you'll be able to manage it with an innervate and a mana pot and have the boss dead before you're completely OoM.
  • Slag Pot: Ignis will periodically grab someone and hold them in the molten pot chained around his waist. People inside need to pop barkskin, etc to help shield from the damage, and as a healer you should help keep them alive. You cannot attack from within the slagpot, but you can still heal people, and yourself, while you are in the slag pot. If a healer is in the slag pot, they CAN HEAL THEMSELVES and should do so.
**If you are looking for tips on how to target the victim of the slag pot, check my post here (CLICK!)**
  • Flame Jets: Do not be caught casting a spell when this ability goes off, or you'll be spell-locked for 8 seconds. It also causes a knock-up into the air, and deals raid-wide damage. Yay Wild-Growth and Rejuv.
  • Scorch: this is the big burning spot he puts on the ground on the tank, and what the tank will be kiting him away from so they don't stand there and crisp themselves. You shouldn't stand in it, either. The OT will have to run through it to debuff the adds, and should call out when he's entering the "scorch" so that you can be alert of when he'll need extra healing, especially if your LB's dropped due to range.
If you get aggro from an add, call it out to have one of the tanks pick it up off of you quickly. Target the add to assist their taunts. The MT can pull it off of you, if necessary, while the OT may be too far away to rescue you.

: "Rawr!"
A pretty proto-drake, though sadly, she is the twisted outcome of what "Loken" did to Veranus after he defeated Thorim in the Storm Peaks questline. Akin to Utgarde Pinnacle, you must bring her down using harpoons. As a healer, all you have to worry about is bouncing around avoiding fireballs and keeping those in range of you alive, until the group brings her down and then it's just a tank-and-spank to heal, with some minor kiting to get out of the patches of fire. My guild initially attempted the "v strat" as discussed on wow-wiki, but ultimately decided to just stay out of the circle and split up as two separate parties (closer to the 25-man strat), each party on either side of the circle with a tank, a healer, and mixed dps.
  • As a general rule, don't stand in front of the boss when she's on the ground.
  • Devouring Flames (P1): this is a large patch of blue fire she spits at whoever is closest to her while she's flying. With our organization of the groups, we assigned a hunter or warlock to act as the "tank" for this, where he was nearly constantly on the move to stay closest to her while trying to shoot the mobs to assist in dps, or sent his pet in to tank it when she went off to a far corner. It worked out really well, and he didn't take much damage, but I did make sure to always keep a rejuv on him and keep an eye on him and his pet when he went out of my range. The "flame tank" doesn't have to be attacking Razorscale while she's flying; he just has to be the closest person to her, or have his pet do so.
  • Fireball (P1): she spits these at everyone, and they do hurt for a chunk of damage. I have read that you can dodge them, since while she casts them AT a specific person, they do not CHASE that person as they travel. Keeping on the move constantly is one of our strong points as druids, so make use of your strengths. Regardless, these fireballs are why you want to keep everyone topped off. If you'd prefer, you can keep Razorscale targeted so that you can see who she is casting them at.
  • Adds: these spawn out of tunnelers in various locations, and are what your group is killing while Razorscale is in flight. Make sure you keep your party up, particularly when they grab the "big guy" who spawns in the center ring. Be especially mindful of healing your tanks when Razorscale lands (or rather, gets dragged out of the air with harpoons) and everyone moves to the center behind her, as they will likely be turning their backs on several mobs while doing so.
  • Harpoons: there are 2 of these in the ten-man version, and they are used to bring Razorscale out of the sky. Designate a single dps to run over and fire these off when the harpoons are repaired by the NPCs, but have them hold off on firing the second harpoon until most of the current wave of adds are dead. Once Razorscale is down, the dps should all switch to attacking the proto-drake, and get as much damage on her as possible before she breaks the chains. Each time she escapes the chains, she'll do an aoe knockback effect around her. Above 50% life, she will leap back into the air after breaking the chains.
  • Phase 2: at 50%, she'll stay grounded. DPS should mind their aggro as the 50% mark nears, because she will attack the highest threat first. Keep behind of the boss and sorta off to the side, out of the way, and watch where your tanks might turn her as she's kited. This is a simple phase compared to phase 1, provided she is kited to get the tanks and dps out of the fire patches. There should be two tanks for this phase, and they will need to taunt her back and forth whenever either tank gets a stack of two Fuse Armor debuffs.

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