Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Resto Macros

Updated: 3/16/2010
Updated: 10/26/2010, patch 4.0

Macros intended for Druid Healing and Cleansing.

Mouseover Healing

The base macro for mouseover healing is:

/cast [@mouseover,help] [help] [@player] Spellname

...where you replace Spellname with the exact name of a helpful spell, such as Rejuvenation or Nourish. This will let you:
  1. Attempts to cast your spell on a friendly target your mouse is hovering over.
  2. If you have no friendly mouseover target, then it attempts to cast your spell on your current friendly target.
  3. If that doesn't work, it'll cast the spell on you.

Kae's Healing Macros

Below are macros that I use for resto druid healing. I combined many of the spells simply as a way to reduce the number of keys and buttons my fingers had to stretch to reach, using modifier keys (shift, alt, ctrl).

In order to use the mouseover portion, most of these macros need to be keybound.

Remove Corruption:
I bound this to the G15 key on my G15 Keyboard.

/cast [@mouseover,help] [help] [@player] Remove Corruption

Regrowth/Swiftmend Toggle:
I bound this to my "q" key in caster forms (except Moonkin).

#show Swiftmend
/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,help] [mod:shift,help] [mod:shift,@player] Swiftmend; [@mouseover,help] [help] [@player] Regrowth

  • Casts Regrowth on friendly mouseover target, friendly target, or else on self.
  • If the Shift key is held, it will cast Swiftmend instead.

Lifebloom/Rejuvenation Toggle:
I bound this to my "e" key in caster forms (except Moonkin).

/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,help] [mod:shift,help] [mod:shift,@player] Lifebloom; [@mouseover,help] [help] [@player] Rejuvenation

  • Casts Rejuvenation on friendly mouseover target, friendly target, or else on self.
  • If the Shift key is held, it will cast Lifebloom instead.

Healing Touch / Nature's Swiftness:
I bound this to my "2" on both of my druids, though I use a dual-spec variety for my resto/balance that you can find here.

#show Nature's Swiftness
/cast [nomod,combat] Nature's Swiftness
/cast [help,@mouseover] [help] [@player] Healing Touch
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

  • Casts Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch on friendly mouseover target, friendly target, or else on self.
  • If any modifier key (alt, ctrl, or shift) is held, then it will not cast Nature's Swiftness.
  • If Nature's Swiftness is on cooldown, it will still attempt to cast the Healing Touch.

Tree Form / Nourish Mouseover:
I bound this to my "t" key on my resto druid, though I use a dual-spec variant you can find here.

/cast [mod:shift,spec:1] !Tree of Life; [@mouseover,help][@player]Nourish

  • Cast Nourish on your friendly mouseover target, else on yourself.
  • Shift-click to go Tree Form

Buff Toggle:

/cast [btn:2,@focus,help][btn:2,help][btn:2,@player] [mod:shift] Thorns; [help][@player] Mark of the Wild

  • Casts Mark of the Wild on friendly target, or else on self.
  • If the Shift key is held, it will cast Thorns
  • If the macro is right-clicked, it will cast Thorns on your friendly focus target (ie a tank), else your friendly target, else on yourself.

Defensive Abilities + Tranquility:
Bound to H (which is in turn bound to an extra mouse button), but I also keep it visible prominently on my screen to watch the cooldowns and click things as needed.

/cast [form:1/3,mod:shift] Survival Instincts; [mod:alt] Nature's Grasp; [btn:2] Hurricane; [mod:shift] Tranquility
/cast Barkskin
/stopmacro [nomod:shift] [form:1/3]
/p Pretty lights! Gather close for healing!

  • Casts Barkskin in all cases.
  • If Shift is pressed and you are in cat or bear form, it casts Survival Instincts.
  • If Shift if pressed and you are not in cat or bear form, it casts Tranquility and announces to your party that they need to be near you to get the heals. Replace the red text for your own announcement, or remove as you desire.
  • If the Alt key is pressed, it casts Nature's Grasp.
  • If the macro is right-clicked, it will cast Hurricane.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you very much. I have been searching... but I haven't found until now. That's great, henceforth, I can pex my skillzz.


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