Thursday, December 1, 2011

Transmog: My Chosen Fashioncraft

I'm really enjoying the transmogrification feature of 4.3. While the "showing off" factor of sporting heroic t12 made me smirk when puggers dropped their jaws at their healer's gear, I didn't really like the look of it, and most of your time is spent in a mashup of mixed-color gear anyway while you work through bosses.

Now, I can at least match my gear to look like I am not a kindergartner who has insisted on dressing all by herself (the kind that wants to wear rain galoshes and a football helmet)... or completely forego the tier model and avoid looking like I'm decaying (t13 mushrooms). Instead... I am dressing as sailor moon with bird wings!

There have been elements of previous tier gear that I really liked, and revisiting their appearance, even in a mashup of tiers and expansions, is fun!

Haven't decided yet what I will do when I pick up the spellpower dagger and offhand, but I like this look :) My alts, alas, don't have near as much gear to pick and choose between.


  1. Fantastic hat choice!!! I've decided that (unless Blizzard some how managed to top the amazing awesomeness that is the sailormoon hat), Leiyan will be permanently wearing her t8 hat from now until forever.

    I love the rest of your outfit too! It looks really good all put together, very Tauren-y.

  2. Yes, the sailor moon hat is made of pure awesome :D

    Another one that I like, but is unfortunately cloth, is the Black Temple priest hat. Teron Gorefiend drops a non-set version of it, Cowl of Benevolence. From back in the days when we could get away with wearing cloth as druids, heh...

  3. Om nom nom, Cowl of Benevolence! I remember feeling really badass when I had that back in the BT days :D

    Great look you got there, I like how you managed to match the color of the weapon with the shoulders and the rest of the gear is really nicely matched as well. Very nice outfit!

  4. definitely the most thoughtful transmog set i've seen. really well done. at least my big fat moonie suit will hide my non-transmog'd gear so i don't have to be self-conscious during raids!

  5. That's what I want mine to look like. Except I have the blue shoulders from BWD and the scythe from the Ice Lord :)

  6. The scythe is definitely a fun staff graphic :D that will match well with the blue feathers!

  7. You are like tauren-vrykul druid :)))

  8. Best helm in the game IMO (my druid is wearing it too). I went with the same shoulders only normal version cause I wanted blue to go with my BC recolor of the Feralheart set.


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