Sunday, November 6, 2011


Care of Ketheres, the undead deathknight I am always trying to keep from revisiting death (again). He'd be the sleepy one.

Too funny not to spread.


  1. Omg! Where have you been Kae! We missed you! How you doing? Welcome back! or at least thanks for sharing this cute image and it's funny! Take care hon! <3

  2. Love it! Hope all is well with you :)

  3. Oh that is SO good! Love it.

    How is your puppy? Not quite so puppy any more I guess. Missed you...

  4. Ohai! Hope all is good with you. Sweet pic, posted a link straight away on our guild forums :)

  5. Kae!!!! ::hug:: Glad to see you posting again, and I love all the doggie faces!

    Speaking of doggie faces, how's our cute, adorable little furry guy these days? I admit, I've thought of you here and there. :) Maybe an update of your undoubtedly now-magnificent big furry one? :)

  6. My 95 pounds of fluff? :)

    *hugs you all!*

  7. Great pic :) Made me LOL

    Hope this means you are coming back to the blogosphere :)

  8. Pink collar? ZOMG the raid leader is girl! (See, told you she was a bi...) :D


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