Thursday, October 21, 2010

Couch Melt

"You weren't planning to sit here, were you?"

or maybe,

"Give me another 2 months, and I can cover the third cushion, too."


  1. I come here for the druid posts, sure, but, honestly, if this blog was 100% pictures of your puppy, I would be totally okay with that.

  2. Me too.

    And AWWWEEEEEESSSSZZZZ!!!! *cooing sounds* She's such a cutie pie, I want a yoggie now! It's too hot in Texas though :( She would cook under all that fur!

  3. Aww, you taught River the "/claim" macro already?

    Adorable, as usual. You'd best save some material for Cata, though - You know how much puppy posts improve my otherwise lackluster performance on progression content.

  4. I want to rub her belly so bad!

  5. OMG! I so felt like that all weekend! Much to my wife's chagrin.


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