Monday, October 25, 2010

Comic: Earth, Wind, and Fire 10m

Took us a few attempts to work out how long Alyae could last solo-tanking an enraged Koralon. Panicking resto druid!

Yes, the maces look like shovels.
*I* thought it was funny. :3


  1. ::giggling at new cartoon strat:: I LOVE your cartoon strats... especially that note about sharding the loot at the end...

  2. I thought Drau's mace was some kind of picket sign lol

    "Why am I not a tree?" Being on my non-tree druid still makes me sad :(

  3. For clarity, we actually pulled off of the first two bosses around 25%; the tanks beating on the bosses for the rest of the encounter brings them down close to 10% by the time Mr. Koralon bites it.

    Pro Tip: Atonement + Glyph of Divine Accuracy allows for semi-reliable destruction of Overcharged adds (with tank's help) without leaving the tank completely void of a healer for those 20seconds. Evangelism + Archangel makes it even more potent, as well as providing a handy mana-restore once the target dies.

    But hurray, more art! Forgot how much I missed looking at these (though it's strange to actually be in them o.o)

  4. Because I couldn't remember who we had as third DPS for that boss >_> HUSH YOU, GET IN YOUR BUBBLE.

  5. LOVE ET!!!

    Seriously I just light up when I read your posts.

  6. d'aww, but I liked the radioactive Mujie...

    She-taurens are a new-ish art form though, aren't they? so many months of tree-art and suddenly "bam!" we've got a caster-form Kae and Zy. She looks very happy with her shards at least; these ones aren't made from much-coveted daggers.

  7. Yes, though I admit I momentarily forgot that a certain other tauren was male and almost argued against it.

    Girls playing male toons. We has dem.

  8. The little cow saying Why am I not a tree? was the cutest <3

    Oh, and grats :)

  9. Aw I missed seeing myself as radioactive lol. You can make me a she cow if you want ^_^ or a male cow with boobs LOL

  10. *sniff* Prot pally tissue paper 4.0 patch ftl?
    *sob sob sob whine whine whine*

  11. Kinzlayer said:

    "LOVE ET!!! Seriously I just light up when I read your posts."

    I like to make T-shirts out of them, personally (with artist's consent, of course)...


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