Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Heroic LK!

ARGH! So close, I can taste it!


  1. That's 700k health left to burn... that's like, 10 seconds worth of DPS time.

  2. @ Theladas: hehe rub it in!

    but ye fights like that are positive for the motivation, I remember first time we wiped on LK (1%) everyone got their fighting spirit back because we felt that we could finally do it. Not long after we had 10 fresh kingslayers :)

  3. Kick ass! Best of luck for your progress.

  4. Wow, that's impressive as hell!

    (And maybe if you can do it as 10 strict, us 10 non-strict we have a chance too... there's hope!)

  5. Moonra,

    Theladas is laying dead in that screenshot with me ;) Hehe, he's our disc priest of bubbly doom.

    We were spot-on last night, and pieces just fell together, with some very impressive DPS. We wiped to some usual "oopses" but we were regularly getting to the final phase all night. It was a good night of work... soon, soon, soon we shall have it!

    But... I still feel like we were robbed last night, wiping at that percent :D 2.4% left!

  6. Right after this image was taken.....Alyae says in vent:

    "Excuse me while I go vomit"

  7. Wow! That's great Kae! :)

    I'm so excited for you guys! Will you be the second 10 strict guild to get him down?

    The fight still makes me want to stab my eyes out with a fork... /stab

  8. Yes at the time of the raid yesterday we would have been world second strict 10 if we got him last night.
    As it stands now we still have a shot at world second strict 10.

  9. Taste harder! TASTE HARDER NEXT TIME! You're almost there!!!


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