Thursday, August 12, 2010

WTF Tranquility

Beranabus... you are one strange chicken.

Bus is a moonkin with a resto offspec in my guild. While he is typically running around chaining rejuv/wild growth across the raid when we have him tree it up in our raids (progression or farm iCC10), he does have a fondness for Tranquility, so much so that he went and farmed up a full 8/8 Cenarion Set (tier 1) and...


...seriously, I'm baffled...

...heals his heroic runs with only Tranquility. He posted a video where he is healing Heroic HoR with only Tranquility. With a mostly pug group (and pug tank with some blues). Successfully. This is the guy that I have to remind to use swiftmend/nourish/lifebloom.



Bus, you pull off some crazy stuff. /salute.


  1. OMFG. Baaaah. This is so going to get hot fixed. Epic while it lasts though.

  2. I've heard of this! Druids have been doing it for at least a year now and it hasn't been changed yet. I suspect the devs are amused.

    Good for Beranabus for having fun in a creative way!

  3. That...was so cool!

    I particularly enjoyed his commentary, too. :)

  4. Wish I'd have known about this when I still had a Resto spec... I'd have farmed this up and been a 1-button healer ;)

  5. OMG. This is the coolest thing EVER. I would love to be able to do this! Haha.

  6. Pretty-light spam. Bus likes the sparklies ;)

  7. I heal Ruby Sanctum trash too!


    But yeah, like Zy said, this has been going since at least Naxx. 2 resto druids on Lotheb=lolololol. It'll be fixed in Cata, because if i'm not mistaken, they're taking out the imp tranq talent Q.Q Sadface!


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