Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Trying to talk WoW...


Just because a leaf is defying gravity, doesn't mean it's hacking.
The wind is a perfectly ordinary class mechanic for it.



Beta efflorescence graphics: no, this puddle isn't going to melt your feet. EMBRACE THE GREEN OOZE!


...Lich King? I like bubbles. I hate defile when it eats bubbles. Defile can DIAF while I bounce around the room in my pretty shiny bubble. With fear ward. F U, DEFILE.

F U N D A!..........


*looks around*



Oh, who am I kidding. My attention is elsewhere, atm!

If for some bizarre reason you are offended by adorable puppies, I suggest avoiding my blog for a while. Just sayin'.

The cuteness compels me.


  1. All I have to say about the puppy is ....


  2. So, tree form is...

    Oh cute puppy! Aww it's sleeping!

  3. Kae - can you change the website link on my previous comment to restokin, instead of the jibberish I accidentally typed? I got distracted by puppy.

  4. Boycotting this blog for indecent exposure.
    DID YOU SEE the puppy pick where all of her nether regions were exposed!


    PS -> River sounds to Summer-ish for a malamute. You shoulda called her Glacier. YES YES! RIVER OF ICE!

  5. Lissanna: I don't know if blogspot will let me edit comments or links... can only delete them. Your second should have the right link, though, so others can follow that :)

    Alyae: she was born in the summer! ...not that she likes the heat. She's very anti-heat. Thus she's sleeping on a cold stone hearth >_>

  6. 1) The efflorescence effect looks frickin scary.

    2) That puppy looks frickin cuddly. (Even Dr. Cynicism likes puppies... geez, I'm not a stone cold monster)

  7. sweet phote...

    i'll try to stay manly and not comment on how cute it is...


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