Monday, August 23, 2010

Offtopic: SQUEE

My puppy! She came home this weekend and has spent the past day charming her mommy and daddy. Little River is 7 weeks old and a complete ball of fluff.

Things she likes:
  • Mommy's socks
  • Fans
  • Cat Toys
  • Belly Rubs
  • Cool floors
  • Stepping in her water bowl
  • Attention
  • Chasing her tail
  • Sleeping on her back...

The whole litter is adorable, but I'm biased: River's the best.

In spite of many looking identical.




  1. Awwwww - looks a bit like our doggie (he's an Elkhound) - he sleeps on his back too, but often when he's on his back ends up sneezing for some reason. Is cruel, but funny to tickle his tummy and wait fo rhte sneeze :)


  2. She is the most precious thing ever!! :) Makes me wish we had room for a doggie and that my daughter wasn't scared of them... :)

    I look forward to you barking and slobbering on your mommy during raids!

  4. Or using mommy's hair as a chew-toy during raids?

    River, eh? I'm going to assume you got the name from Firefly, and it is therefore the most awesome thing ever (Though Kaylee would've worked too, if not for being horribly confusing).

  5. I want one! I love dogs, very beautiful pup!


    <3 Tam

    River's name was a "that sounds pretty" that wasn't a K- sound, one that Kitarha and I both agreed on. Our cats both have K-sound names and it would just be too much :)
    Between River Song and River Tam, it also has appropirate geekiness levels :D

    River has discovered mommy's hair. Not even the ponytail... nooo she likes chewing on the top of my head and getting her teeth tangled. Silly puppy.

  7. She's gorgeous!

    I want one. I wonder how my 4 cats and 1 fiance would feel about that...

  8. they are so dang cute! (I miss my doggie)

  9. I demand that River make an appearance in your next comic!

  10. Chewing on my roots, likely. Tree + puppy = epic stick chase through ICC?


  11. Omgomgomg that is so ridiculously cute I just exploded a little bit!


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