Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stream: Sindy and Putricide Hardmodes tonight

Hitting Sindy first since we've done it before, then hoping for our guild-first heroic Put kill :) Will likely be a wipefest tonight, fun times!
  • Sindy hard down
  • Festergut hard down
  • Rotface hard down
  • Put in progress, though our camera was rotated out of the raid.
  • Didn't quite get him down last night; morale, RNG, luck, whatever wasn't on our side :( Oh well, we shall try again Sunday!
Gonna work on getting my own stream running for those times our camera-guy is rotated out of the raid.

Join us here at


  1. I'll tune in if one of our team doesn't show. Otherwise we'll be back to working on normal mode Putricide :p


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