Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Off-topic: Dr. Horrible 8-bit

If you have not seen Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog by Joss Whedon, yet, then... I pity you. Go forth, dig it up, and watch it. All of it. In fact, here, I'll save you the search and send you straight to the Act 1, Part 1 video on YouTube.

If you HAVE seen it: you have something new to watch. Someone wonderfully awesome turned the first act of Dr. Horrible into a cute little 8-bit NES-style video game mockup.

It is full of pure win.

You must watch it.

Did you click the link, yet? No? OMG, go. Hit "New Game," sit back, and geek out. DO EET!


  1. Was there a point to this? It wasn't even that funny....

    Cant wait for Cataclysm so all these wow blogs are worth reading again...

    Till then, /unsubscribe

  2. Haha. It's curtains for me, then? Lacy, gently wafting curtains?


  3. I can't wait for part 2! "The hammer is my... erm these 2 pixels over here. I mean 4 pixels!"

  4. Part 2!


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