Thursday, April 22, 2010

Advice from a Druid

An awesome gift I received this past holiday season is a hat and sweatshirt from the National Wildlife Federation Store with the "Advice from a Wolf" text. There are, of course, shirts with other subjects, including trees, bears, cats, and owls (moonkin!)...

From a Tree:
  • Stand tall and proud.
  • Sink your roots into the earth.
  • Go out on a limb.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Remember your roots.
  • Enjoy the view!.
  • Start from the ground up.
  • Stretch your limbs.
  • Branch out.
  • Root for others.
  • Make room for new growth.

From a Bear:
  • Live large
  • Climb beyond your limitations
  • When life gets hairy, grin and bear it
  • Eat well
  • Live with the seasons
  • Take a good, long nap
  • Look after your honey!

From a Cat:
  • Be frisky!
  • Pounce on possibilities
  • Enjoy the night life
  • Always land on your feet
  • Stretch often
  • Delight in the simple joy of a long nap
  • Create your purr-fect day!

From an Owl:
  • Stay focused.
  • Be "hoo" you are.
  • Trust in a wise friend.
  • Live off the land.
  • Glide through dark times.
  • Be observant.
  • Life's a hoot!

While these are fairly in-tune with a druid already, I can't help but grin at the additions a warcraft druid would add to this list...
  • Grow a thick Barkskin.
  • Share your Wild Growth with others.
  • The breath of life is but an acorn (and a cooldown) away.
  • Revel in your own Tranquility (it has pretty lights!).
  • Keep the untrustworthy (rogues) in your sights.

I know others will have ideas on things to add to the list!
So, how about you: what is your "Advice from a Druid"?


  1. Keep yourself well Nourished.

    Get plenty of R&R (Regrowth and Rejuvenation).

    Don't be afraid to show others your Thorns.


  2. Rejuvinate that which surrounds you.

  3. Recognize that the solutions to most problems can be easily found with a (shape)shift of perspective.


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Note: I will delete comments that are purely ads.