Tuesday, March 23, 2010


..."load out of date AddOns."

That is all.


  1. So many broken Add-ons. Makes my head explode.

    IceHUD was so broken.... ehrn i tried to fix the positioning, it went all screwey so i reset my profile, then tried to fix it again. Only to find that not only is the default for me still all screwed up but the positioning is still all messed up. I just unloaded it completely. Don't even get me started on party frames not hiding in a raid.

    I think this has been the first patch day that's made my add-ons broken in such a way that I wanted to throw my computer out the window.

  2. My IceHud is mostly behaving... my GCD bar is waving around wildly out of its frame, but it's more amusing than problematic.

    A few mods seem to be having difficulties with my preferred "Melli Dark Rough" texture, repeating it across the bar rather than stretching it, but that's not game-breaking either.

    Pitbull3 had an update and is otherwise working fine. Party frames have remained hidden and out of the way for me.

    Definitely wasn't expecting there to be mod difficulties with the patch... I wonder what they changed with the coding to cause it?

  3. Yes... IceHUD for me was waving around wildly out of its frame. When I tried to fix it, i got all kinds of funny graphical bugs bleeps and smudges... not to mention shuttering...

    It was really REALLY frustrating ...
    like trying to hold a greased up ferret in your hand.


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