Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3.3.3 Mangle changes

While this has much less impact on kitties in raids with a bear tank or arms warrior,

Mangle (and Trauma) now increases the damage of bleed effects for 1 min. (Up from 12 sec)

/jaw drop

Especially in ten-man raids, cats often have to apply their own mangle. Mangle does less damage than shred, and it must be juggled around rip, rake, and savage roar. Few druids glyph it in favor of stronger glyphs. This change is drastically reducing the impact of Mangle on the kitty-druid-dot-debuff-juggle.

It boils down to more raw dps on a single-target fight, since the druid can spend more time shredding and less time mangling. Yay!


  1. Mangling... shredding... in the end, it's all Cat Scratch Fever, amirite? =)

  2. ...!
    This, plus those changes back around 3.1 with critting bleeds, make me want to come back T.T I AM MISSING THE HEY-DAY OF THE CAT DRUID RAHHHHHHH


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