Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Comic: ICC10 Lana'thel

That's right, Blood Queen. You've been turned into a stick figure. BWAHAHA.

For giggles, I pulled out the "WTF?!" Tree as a transparent image. Methinks it would make a wonderful avatar. :3


  1. I love your comics! You capture the strategy very well :)

  2. I LOVE these comics. Somehow, they also get me to learn the fights better, because I'm remembering "angry tree" or some such.

  3. lol, I love it, when our time comes on this fight, I am linking this page to our strats!!!!!

  4. Love the troll graphic ;)

    I was thinking of making a graphic for the Rotting Frost Giant (one of the possible ICC weekly bosses) after our pug superfailed on it a few times...

  5. As a additional note BQL also applies a DoT to the Off-tank that lasts for about 15 seconds. It doesn't stack but is reapplied frequently with maybe 15 seconds downtime.

  6. lol. i love your guides. so cute and funny yet so informative. and rabid tree ftw! :D

  7. Your guides are the best!

    And wtf tree is pure win... I wants it.

  8. Rul, blame stick-Kuch and stick-Gromm!

    Sorry, I wasn't gonna draw you captain-morgan style over a treasure chest ;)

  9. Oh Kae, I always love your diagrams, they're so great. Hesitant Troll is hilarious.


  10. Aw, but he at least needs more Ugly(tm). I'm almost offended on behalf of orcs everywhere to be presented as clean shaven and cute. :P

  11. Kae, great as always...though I was hoping for a comic version of what happens when she enrages. :)

    (ps. that's when the glitter comes out :))

  12. zomg, love it
    wtf tree would definately make the perfect avatar

  13. Holy cow, Kae, I just realized you were the person who posted on my site, AND you were the inspiration for my cartoon strategy of Putricide! Keep up the good work!

  14. If she has glitter when she enrages I've never seen it, but then at that point I'm eating the floor :D

  15. Was that glitter? I just assumed I was seeing the light refract through my tears after wiping at 0.8%.

  16. Nothing beats your comic strategies! The rabid tree is awesome \o/

  17. Kae, I just gave this page to a friend in a raiding guild working on Lana'thel... he LOVES it and is wanting to send his guildies here to check it out! ::chuckling::


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