Saturday, December 5, 2009

Who's the MT?

A fun little parody of Who's on First, originally by Abbott and Costello.

Sebastian: Potions!

Dexter: Potions!

Sebastian: Fish Feasts!

Dexter: Fish Feasts!

Sebastian: Get your fish feasts here!

Dexter: -- fish feasts -- will you keep quiet? Sebastian! Sebastian, please! Don't interrupt my questing! Sebastian!

Sebastian: Oh, Mr. Broadhurst, I didn't see the you were questing there.

Dexter: What in the world are you doing? Why interrupt my questing group like this?

Sebastian: Look, Mr. Broadhurst, I mean after all -- if you're in a raid -- they always bring potions and feasts and things like that.

Dexter: I know that, Sebastian, but not in front of -- I -- beg -- your pardon please.

Sebastian: Party group and pets and also the NPCs -- will you excuse us for a minute, please? Thank you.

Dexter: What do you want to do?

Sebastian: Look, Mr. Broadhurst --

Dexter: What are you doing?

Sebastian: I love raiding!

Dexter: Well, we all love raiding.

Sebastian: When we get to Icecrown Citadel, will you tell me the guys' names in the raid so when I go to heal them in that instance I'll be able to know who to heal?

Dexter: Well now... *looks to party* is it all right, group? All right.

Sebastian: Excuse me.

Dexter: All right.

Sebastian: I wanta... I wanta find out the raiders' names.

Dexter: As long as it's okay with the guild.

Sebastian: I'm crazy about raiding.

Dexter: Will you stand still? Pick up your weapon! Go pick up your staff.

Sebastian: Okay.

Dexter: Now look. If I tell you, then you'll go and won't interrupt my questing group anymore?

Sebastian: Yes sir.

Dexter: All right. But you know, strange as it may seem, they give WoW players nowadays very peculiar names.

Sebastian: Funny names?

Dexter: Nicknames. Nicknames.

Sebastian: Not -- not as funny as my name -- Sebastian Dinwiddie.

Dexter: Oh, yes, yes, yes!

Sebastian: Funnier than that?

Dexter: Oh, absolutely. Yes. Now, on the Icecrown raid we have Who's the MT, What's the OT, I don't Know is on interrupts --

Sebastian: That's what I want to find out. I want you to tell me the names of the raiders in the ICC raid.

Dexter: I'm telling you. Who's the MT, What's the OT, I don't Know is the rogue on interrupts --

Sebastian: You know the raiders' names?

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: Well, then, who's playin' the main tank?

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: I mean the raider's name being MT.

Dexter: Who.

Sebastian: The raider playin' main tank for Icecrown Citadel.

Dexter: Who.

Sebastian: The guy being MT.

Dexter: Who is the MT.

Sebastian: Well, what are you askin' me for?

Dexter: I'm not asking you -- I'm telling you. WHO IS THE MT.

Sebastian: I'm asking you -- who's the MT?

Dexter: That's the man's name!

Sebastian: That's who's name?

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: Well, go ahead and tell me!

Dexter: Who.

Sebastian: The guy playing MT.

Dexter: Who.

Sebastian: The main tank.

Dexter: Who is the main tank.

Sebastian: Have you got a main tank?

Dexter: Certainly.

Sebastian: Then who's playing main tank?

Dexter: Absolutely.

Sebastian: When you give tank gear to your main tank, who gets the gear?

Dexter: Every peice of it. And why not, the man's entitled to it.

Sebastian: Who is?

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: So who gets it?

Dexter: Why shouldn't he? Sometimes he passes, and the master-looter shoves it in his pack anyway.

Sebastian: Who's pack?

Dexter: Yes. After all the man earns it.

Sebastian: Who does?

Dexter: Absolutely.

Sebastian: Well all I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name playing main tank.

Dexter: Oh, no, no, What is the off tank.

Sebastian: I'm not asking you who's the off tank.

Dexter: Who's the main tank.

Sebastian: That's what I'm trying to find out.

Dexter: Well, don't change the raiders around.

Sebastian: I'm not changing nobody.

Dexter: Now, take it easy.

Sebastian: What's the guy's name playing MT?

Dexter: What's the guy's name playing OT.

Sebastian: I'm not askin' ya who's the OT.

Dexter: Who's the MT.

Sebastian: I don't know.

Dexter: He's a rogue. We're not talking about him.

Sebastian: How could I get on rogues?

Dexter: You mentioned his name.

Sebastian: If I mentioned the rogue's name, who did I say is playing a rogue?

Dexter: No, who's the MT.

Sebastian: Stay offa MTs will ya?

Dexter: Well what do you want me to do?

Sebastian: Now what's the guy's name playing main tank?

Dexter: What's the off tank.

Sebastian: I'm not asking ya who's the offtank.

Dexter: Who's the main tank.

Sebastian: I don't know.

Dexter: He's the rogue.

Sebastian: There I go back on rogues again.

Dexter: Well, I can't change their names.

Sebastian: Say, will you please stay on rogues, Mr. Broadhurst.

Dexter: Please. Now what is it you want to know?

Sebastian: What is the fellow's name on interrupts, the rogue?

Dexter: What is the fellow's name playing offtank.

Sebastian: I'm not askin' ya who's the offtank.

Dexter: Who's the maintank.

Sebastian: I don't know.

Dexter and Sebastian: Interrupts!

Sebastian: You got ranged DPS?

Dexter: Oh, sure.

Sebastian: The guild has got a good ranged DPS?

Dexter: Oh, absolutely.

Sebastian: The hunter's name?

Dexter: Why?

Sebastian: I don't know, I just thought I'd ask.

Dexter: Well, I just thought I'd tell you.

Sebastian: Then tell me who's playing hunter.

Dexter: Who's playing main tank.

Sebastian: Stay out of the melee.

Dexter: Don't mention any name from the melee.

Sebastian: I want to know what's the fellow's name playing hunter.

Dexter: What is the warrior, offtank.

Sebastian: I'm not asking you who's the offtank.

Dexter: Who's the main tank.

Sebastian: I don't know.

Dexter: Now take it easy, take it easy.

Sebastian: And the hunter's name?

Dexter: Why.

Sebastian: Because.

Dexter: Oh, he's a warlock. Will you pick up your staff please.

Sebastian: Warlock.

Dexter: Pick up your staff. And stop this -- Now look, please.

Sebastian: Mr. Broadhurst.

Dexter: Yes?

Sebastian: Wait a minute. You got a resto druid in the raid?

Dexter: Wouldn't this be a fine raid group without a resto druid.

Sebastian: I don't know. Tell me the tree's name.

Dexter: Tomorrow.

Sebastian: You don't want to tell me today?

Dexter: I'm telling you man.

Sebastian: Then go ahead.

Dexter: Tomorrow.

Sebastian: What time?

Dexter: What time what?

Sebastian: What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me who's the resto druid?

Dexter: Now listen, Who is not a resto druid, Who is the --

Sebastian: I'll break your arm if you say who's the main tank.

Dexter: Then why come up here and ask?

Sebastian: I want to know what's the resto druid's name.

Dexter: What's the offtank.

Sebastian: I don't know.

Sebastian and Dexter: Rogue!

Sebastian: You gotta holy priest?

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: The priest's name?

Dexter: Today.

Sebastian: Today. And tomorrow's the resto druid.

Dexter: Now you've got it.

Sebastian: That's all, our guild's got a couple of days in their raid. That's all.

Dexter: Well I can't help that. Alright. What do you want me to do?

Sebastian: Gotta Priest?

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: I'm a good priest too, you know.

Dexter: I know that.

Sebastian: I would like to heal for the ICC raid.

Dexter: Well I might arrange that.

Sebastian: I would like to heal. Now I'm being a good healer, tomorrow's raid-healing, and I'm main-tank healing.

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: Tomorrow puts hots up and the raid engages the boss.

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: Now when he engages -- me being a good healer -- I want to make sure we don't wipe, so I select my spell, and heal who.

Dexter: Now, that's the first thing you've said right.


Dexter: Well, that's all you have to do.

Sebastian: Is to heal the main tank.

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: Now who's got aggro?

Dexter: Naturally.

Sebastian: Who has it?

Dexter: Naturally.

Sebastian: Naturally.

Dexter: Naturally.

Sebastian: O.K.

Dexter: Now you've got it.

Sebastian: I start healing, and I heal Naturally.

Dexter: No you don't, you heal the main tank.

Sebastian: Then who gets the heals?

Dexter: Naturally.

Sebastian: O.K.

Dexter: Alright.

Sebastian: I heal Naturally.

Dexter: You don't. You heal Who.

Sebastian: Naturally.

Dexter: Well, naturally. Say it that way.

Sebastian: That's what I said.

Dexter: You did not.

Sebastian: I said I'd heal Naturally.

Dexter: You don't. You heal Who.

Sebastian: Naturally.

Dexter: Yes.

Sebastian: So I start to heal the main tank and Naturally gets healed.

Dexter: No. You heal the main tank --

Sebastian: Then who gets the heals?

Dexter: Naturally.

Sebastian: That's what I'm saying.

Dexter: You're not saying that.

Sebastian: Excuse me folks.

Dexter: It's alright. I'm sorry folks.

Sebastian: I throw my heals to Naturally.

Dexter: You throw your heals to Who.

Sebastian: Naturally.

Dexter: Naturally. Well say it that way.

Sebastian: That's what I'm saying.

Dexter: Don't get excited. Now don't get excited.

Sebastian: I heal the main tank.

Dexter: Then who gets heals.

Sebastian: The main tank better get the heals.

Dexter: That's it. Alright now don't get excited. Take it easy.

Sebastian: Hmmph.

Dexter: Hmmph.

Sebastian: Now I am throwing heals to the main tank, who-ever it is grabs the aggro, and the adds are picked up by the offtank.

Dexter: Uh-huh.

Sebastian: Who picks up the boss and the adds all go to what. I don't know stands in melee and interrupts the adds' spell casts. They all get healed by tomorrow.

Dexter: Yeah. They could be.

Sebastian: Another add spawns and aggros on the warlock. Why? I don't know. And I don't give a damn.

Dexter: What was that?

Sebastian: I said, I DON'T GIVE A DAMN.

Dexter: Oh, that's our death knight!


  1. Awesome. (Now we just need to bring back Abbot and Costello to record it)

  2. While trolling for some patch day reading, I posted this little gem on my guild site. Thanks!!


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