Monday, November 30, 2009

New LS Graphics

I few new graphics I created for Lunarsphere over the past month or so. You will need to convert them to .blp with a blp2png converter. A quick import copy-paste is provided below each section.

Dragon Age art/screens:

DAO6, DAO7, DAO8, DAO9, DAO10,
DAO11, DAO12, DAO13, DAO14, DAO15,
DAO16, DAO17, DAO18, DAO19, DAO20,
DAO21, DAO22, DAO_Leliana


Ulduar1, Ulduar2, Ulduar3, Ulduar4, Ulduar5,
Ulduar6, lampglobe, wolf1, druid1, druid2

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