Sunday, July 5, 2009

Polar Bear Attack!

My vacation consisted of much sleep, playing with kitties, making the guys look bad at Wii boxing (/flex), and...



:D Clearly, a pair of druids at play, here. I had a blast watching these two swim about, toss the ball around, and chase and wrestle with each other. What I don't understand is why the Fetch Ball doesn't work with hunter pets or druids ;) These bears seem to have no such inhibitions against fetching balls!

Oh, and it has been determined that Seal Form IS 4 NAP!!

I also managed to find myself a Little Fawn pet; got 75 pets just before I went on vacation last week, when I managed to get the Scorchling pet out of Ahune's chest. So cute! These are klipspringers, but close enough :)

~ Photos taken with a Nikon D60 camera. Zoos are a lot of fun, even for grown-ups! ~

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